Sea Captains of Cape Cod with Dr. Michael Pregot

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Coffee @ The Kennedy Museum

Join us for a cup of coffee and an intriguing talk by Dr. Michael V. Pregot as he discusses his book  Sea Captains of Cape Cod. An event not to be missed by history enthusiasts!

From its earliest roots of indigenous fishing to the puritans landing at Provincetown, through the American Revolution, during the glory days of the “Great Age of Sail” and eventually to worldwide shipping and passenger travel, Cape Cod can claim a major role in each aspect of American maritime history.  The personal stories of the courageous men and women to made it happen deserves a chance to be heard. Every Cape Cod community can boast of famous and some lesser-known seafaring figures who made the ocean world their personal home.

This event is free. Book signing to follow. Please RSVP below.

About The Book

Cape Cod has long been a focal point of our country’s maritime activities from the very beginning of the pre-colonial period, through our wars with England, into the great age of sail, right into our current preoccupation with protecting the right whale and announcing shark alerts. Many sea captains from every town from the Cape have distinguished themselves by opening new harbors for trade, participating in naval excursions, and demonstrating a pragmatic genius with their nautical skills. We can all learn the names of these bold seamen and have an occasion to appreciate what these sailors have accomplished for their local towns, and for the benefit of a developing young nation. Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or local bookstores.

About The Author

Dr. Pregot has spent over a half of a century in the field of education. He has served as a Modern Language teacher, a high school principal, a district-wide school superintendent, a professor of education and a University Director of an Educational Leadership Department. He has published several articles and a textbook on the personal dispositions needed to be an effectives school leader. He has owned a home on the Cape for over twenty-five years. He is now an author researching various aspects of local history. The maritime history of the Cape has intrigued him for the past several years. For the past two years, he has examined the complexity of slave trading and the desire for abolitionism within the Bay State.

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