Dr. Richard Vietor: Challenges to the World Economy

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Presentation: Challenges to the World Economy
Followed by Lunch at Alberto’s Ristorante

The Harvard Club of Cape Cod invites you to hear Dr. Richard Vietor, the Baker Foundation Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School, address the world economy’s current status as it navigates the multiple international challenges of our time.

Professor Vietor’s research on business and government policy has been published in numerous journals and books. His books include Energy Policy in America Since 1945(1984), Strategic Management in the Regulated Environment (1989), Contrived Competition: Regulation and Deregulation in America (1994), Business Management and the Natural Environment (1996), Globalization and Growth: Case Studies in National Economic Strategies(2004), Environmental Protection and the Social Responsibility of Firms (ed. with Bruce Hay and Robert Stavins; 2007), How Countries Compete: Strategy, Structure, and Government in the Global Economy (2007), and The Class Moves the World: How Business Elites Decipher the World Economy (available in Japanese only, 2010).

For his courses in business-government relations and environmental management, Professor Vietor has published more than one hundred and eighty case studies on energy policy, the regulation of natural gas, nuclear power and hazardous wastes; on strategy and deregulation in airlines, railroads, telecommunications, and financial services; and on the national development strategies of a dozen countries. He has been a consultant to the Energy Research and Development Administration, serves on the Advisory Boards of IPADE (in Mexico), IESE (in Spain), and INALDE (in Colombia), and IEEM (Uruguay), and is a panel member of the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia International Advisory Panel, the Advisory Council of the Australia China Business Council, and the Clingendael Institute in the Netherlands. He has consulted to the Prime Minister of Malaysia, and currently advises several firms.

The presentation is at 11 AM -12:30 PM including Q&A in the Scudder Center for Civic Engagement at the JFK Hyannis Museum. There is a $10.00 donation fee to the Harvard Club of Cape Cod for the talk. Following this session, those interested will reconvene at Alberto’s Ristorante, 360 Main Street, Hyannis for a self-pay lunch.

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